Breached entity should provide IDX with the data that was stolen, enabling IDX to search for that data's misuse.
The victim of the data breach would benefit from not having to guess at what data was stolen, as it would have been passed over from the hacked entity (like Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare/Point32Health). IDX should also provide its own resume to the v...
This would help government agencies further prove you are who you say you are or an extra layer of protection. IRS, SSDI, Workforce Comissions, H&HS, State Dep.
I signed up for complimentary IDX Nov 2023 due to medical record storage breach but can't sign up or extend free period offered due to new breach Sep 2024; you should allow extensions of service based on separate events
Change Healthcare seems to have annual security breaches; they handle medical records for myself and millions. Their solution is free IDX monitoring which is okay (but they really should do a better job securing data). I am already signed up with ...
After i made an account and didn't know if it was working, got no verifillcation code, couldn't get through bia phone, I tried scanning the QR code and redoing my sign up. It told me my email was already used but I never di enter the enrollment co...